Wednesday, December 10, 2008

ER visit

Well, I was on the phone this afternoon with one of my cub scout's moms, and I heard blood curdling screams from the kitchen - these were no ordinary screams. I walk in and there are blood splatters on the floor and Roman is shaking his foot like crazy. A kitchen chair is on it's side. Turns out, the chair fell over and hit Roman's pinky toe and busted it open. Warning: this is gross. It looked like his toe was sliced around almost his entire nail and the nail was detached from his toe. As he shook it in pain, blood went everywhere. Then he starts yelling that he needs to pee. What a great time for that! So August starts cleaning up the blood and I picked him up and carried him into the bathroom and he's yelling and I'm telling him to calm down and he's yelling back, "I can't control myself - it hurts too bad!!!" I get him to settle down after he has relieved himself and he is broken out in hives from the stress. It must have really hurt. The last time I had a kid look this flushed and have hives from stress, it was Canyon and his broken leg at age 2. The toe looked pretty bad to me so Chris met me at the ER since it was 5:00. They had to cut out his nail AND the flesh under and around it that was severed. EEEEWWWWW. It was pretty traumatic for him. And me. I was emotionally drained and exhausted. Then, I had to go to church to do cub scouts. Yea. What I really wanted to do was curl up with Roman and take a nap!

I hate those moments when I have to decide if something is ER worthy or not. Then there are the yahoos who work in the ER. We had a nurse practitioner with shakey hands who handled Roman's toe too severely and caused him more pain. Thanks. I'll get charged some ghastly amount of money for that.

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