Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Spring Fever

Literally - My littlest one has a fever and has been throwing up for more than 48 hours.

So, we're hunkered down today watching Where the Red Fern Grows on Netflix instant streaming. Why is it when one kid is sick, everyone else gets thrown off kilter, too? My older two think it is perfectly OK to sit around in their PJs today. My teen and pre-teen act like they haven't slept even though they did for more than enough time last night. My oldest boy did have 3 1/2 hours of basketball practice last night, but still. They must be doing some serious growing.

I have a friend who says she is awesome at making up schedules and shopping for curricula, but not so great at following the schedules and using the curricula! Humans are creatures of habit, and it is hard to form new habits.

I've been thinking about all of this, and wondering what I can do to motivate us into a better routine. We are super busy this spring with everything going on, and if we don't manage our time better, we won't be getting much done here at home. I'm mostly concerned about keeping our home picked up...

I saw something on the new Latter-Day Homeschooling blog http://www.latter-dayhomeschooling.com/ about making lists and "rolling over" the subjects we don't complete one day to the next day. What a great idea - I think I am going to try this for us. I always feel like we HAVE to start doing Math and Language Arts/Reading every day and sometimes we don't get to the other subjects. I don't lose sleep over this too much since they take so many classes at our co-op that the holes do get filled in, but there are some things I want to cover with them here at home that we don't always get to.

Off to make our lists... Will share later!

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